Falco Lombardi is a beloved video game character from the Star Fox series. He is known for his sharp wit, loyalty to his team, and impressive flying skills. Falco has appeared in numerous Star Fox games and has become a fan favorite due to his unique personality and backstory. Falco’s voice actor in the Star Fox games is Ben Cullum.
Falco Lombardi is a confident, sarcastic, and slightly arrogant character. He often makes sarcastic remarks and jokes, which can sometimes get him into trouble with his team.
Despite this, Falco is fiercely loyal to his friends and will always have their backs in battle.
He also has a competitive streak and enjoys proving his flying skills to others. Falco Lombardi has a bit of a lone-wolf personality, and can sometimes be difficult to work with due to his independent nature.
Physical Statistics:
Height | 5’9″ (175 cm) |
Weight | 141 lbs (64 kg) |
Age | 29 years old |
Eye Color | Blue |
Feather Color | Reddish-brown |
Falco Lombardi is an anthropomorphic bird, specifically a peregrine falcon. He has red-brown feathers, blue eyes, and a sharp beak.
He wears a blue and white jumpsuit, with black boots and gloves. Falco’s jumpsuit has a yellow emblem on the chest, which is the symbol of the Star Fox team.
Falco Lombardi’s background is not extensively explored in the Star Fox series, but what is known is that he is a member of an avian species known as the avians.
In the games, Falco is depicted as a humanoid bird with blue feathers, a white beak, and yellow eyes.
According to the Star Fox 64 manual, Falco Lombardi was born on the planet Titania and grew up in a tough environment.
He eventually left Titania and became a space pilot, using his skills to work as a mercenary. He later joined the Star Fox team, led by Fox McCloud, and became one of Fox’s most trusted allies.
In the Star Fox comics published by Nintendo Power, Falco’s backstory is explored in greater detail. The comics reveal that Falco was once a member of a gang of space pirates led by a bird named Katt Monroe.
He eventually left the gang and became a lone mercenary, before being recruited by Fox to join the Star Fox team.
Throughout the series, Falco is depicted as a skilled pilot with a brash and cocky attitude.
He is fiercely independent and often clashes with his teammates, but ultimately has a strong sense of loyalty to the Star Fox team and its mission to protect the Lylat System.
While Falco Lombardi’s background is not explored in great detail in the games, his character has become a fan favorite thanks to his confident personality and his impressive flying skills.

Falco Lombardi has several allies in the Star Fox series, including:
Fox McCloud: Fox is the leader of the Star Fox team and Falco’s closest ally. The two have a strong bond and work well together in battle.
Peppy Hare: Peppy is the elder statesman of the Star Fox team, and serves as a mentor to both Fox and Falco. He often provides valuable advice and guidance to the team during missions.
Slippy Toad: Slippy is the mechanic and inventor of the Star Fox team, and often provides the team with useful gadgets and upgrades. While Falco finds Slippy’s antics annoying, he ultimately values his contributions to the team.
General Pepper: General Pepper is the leader of the Cornerian army, and often provides support to the Star Fox team during missions. While Falco Lombardi sometimes chafes at authority figures, he respects General Pepper and his leadership.
Krystal: Krystal is a member of the Star Fox team in later games, and develops a close relationship with Falco. The two share a similar sense of humor and enjoy teasing each other during downtime.
Bill Grey: Bill is a former member of the Cornerian army and a close friend of Fox’s. He often provides support to the Star Fox team during missions and has a friendly rivalry with Falco.
Katt Monroe: Katt is a feline pilot and a friend of Falco’s. She has a flirty personality and often teases Falco, but the two share a close bond and work well together in battle.
Falco Lombardi has a strong network of allies who support him and the Star Fox team in their battles against Andross and other foes.
Falco Lombardi has several enemies in the Star Fox series, including:
Andross: Andross is the main antagonist of the Star Fox series, and is responsible for many of the threats that the Star Fox team faces. He is an evil scientist who seeks to conquer the Lylat System and enslave its inhabitants.
Star Wolf: Star Wolf is a rival mercenary team that often opposes the Star Fox team. Led by Wolf O’Donnell, they are skilled pilots and fierce competitors who have a personal rivalry with the Star Fox team.
Aparoids: The Aparoids are a race of insectoid creatures that threaten the Lylat System in Star Fox: Assault. They are a hive mind and seek to assimilate all other life forms into their collective consciousness.
Anglar: The Anglar are a race of bird-like creatures that threaten the Lylat System in Star Fox Command. Led by the evil Emperor Anglar, they seek to conquer the system and destroy the Star Fox team.
Pigma Dengar: Pigma is a former member of the Star Fox team who betrayed his comrades to join forces with Andross. He is a treacherous and greedy individual who will do anything to further his interests.
Andrew Oikonny: Andrew is the nephew of Andross and a member of Star Wolf. He is often seen as a second-in-command to Wolf and has a personal vendetta against Fox McCloud.
General Scales: General Scales is the main antagonist of Star Fox Adventures. He is a tyrannical ruler of the planet Sauria and seeks to enslave its inhabitants.
Falco Lombardi faces many formidable foes throughout the Star Fox series, from the evil Andross to rival mercenary teams like Star Wolf. Despite the odds against him, Falco is a skilled pilot and a loyal member of the Star Fox team, and will always rise to the occasion to protect his friends and the Lylat System.
Game Plot:
The Star Fox series follows the adventures of a group of pilots known as the Star Fox team, who are tasked with defending the Lylat System from various threats. Falco Lombardi is a member of this team and plays a key role in many of the series’ games.
The original Star Fox game, released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1993, follows the Star Fox team as they battle the forces of Andross, a mad scientist who seeks to conquer the Lylat System.
In this game, Falco serves as a skilled pilot who provides support to the team during their missions.
In Star Fox 64, released for the Nintendo 64 in 1997, the Star Fox team again battles Andross, this time with the help of a new ally, Peppy Hare.
Falco Lombardi is once again a key member of the team, and players have the option to save him from danger during certain missions.
In Star Fox Adventures, released for the GameCube in 2002, Fox McCloud travels to the planet Sauria to rescue the planet’s inhabitants from the tyrannical rule of General Scales. Falco makes a brief appearance in this game, providing support to Fox during one of the game’s missions.
In Star Fox: Assault, also released for the GameCube in 2005, the Star Fox team battles the Aparoids, a race of insectoid creatures who threaten to assimilate all life forms in the Lylat System.
Falco once again serves as a key member of the team, providing aerial support and combat expertise during battles.
In Star Fox Command, released for the Nintendo DS in 2006, the Star Fox team faces a new threat in the form of the Anglar, a race of bird-like creatures who seek to conquer the Lylat System.
Falco is a playable character in this game, and players can choose to follow his story as he battles the Anglar and reunites with old friends.
The Star Fox series features a variety of different plots and villains but always centers around the heroic efforts of the Star Fox team to protect the Lylat System from harm.
Falco Lombardi plays a key role in these adventures, and his skills as a pilot and his loyalty to his friends make him a fan favorite among the players of the series.
Top 10 Quotes:
- “Hey, genius! I’m on your side!”
- “You’re not so tough!”
- “You’re like a sitting duck!”
- “Playtime is over, Star Fox.”
- “I’m not just gonna sit here and let you blast my team!”
- “I’ll take the left!”
- “Hey, Einstein, I’m on your side!”
- “I prefer the air.”
- “Don’t get too cocky, Star Fox.”
- “Here’s the bill, see you again.”
Top 15 Trivia Facts:
- Falco Lombardi was named after a famous jazz musician, Vince Lombardi.
- Falco’s design was based on a peregrine falcon, which is known for being one of the fastest birds in the world.
- Falco was originally supposed to be a member of a rival mercenary team but was later changed to become a member of the Star Fox team.
- Falco’s voice actor in the Star Fox games is Ben Cullum.
- Falco Lombardi has appeared in every Star Fox game to date, except for the Game Boy Advance game Star Fox: Super Mario Bros. 3.
- Falco’s signature attack is the “Falco Punch,” a powerful move where he charges up energy in his fists and delivers a devastating blow.
- Falco is known for his impressive flying skills and is considered one of the best pilots in the Lylat System.
- Falco has a rivalry with Star Wolf team member Wolf O’Donnell, due to their competitive natures.
- Falco’s jumpsuit has the letter “F” on the back, which stands for “Falco.”
- In the Star Fox: Assault game, Falco briefly leaves the Star Fox team to join the rival team Star Wolf, before returning to his old team.
- Falco’s theme song, “Space Battleground,” is a fan favorite and has been remixed in various Star Fox games.
- Falco’s favorite food is spicy noodles.
- Falco’s home planet, Corneria, is a key location in the Star Fox series and is the starting point for many missions.
- Falco’s personality is based on that of Han Solo from the Star Wars franchise.
- Falco is a fan-favorite character, often voted as one of the best characters in the Star Fox series by fans.
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Falco Lombardi is a beloved video game character from the Star Fox series. He is known for his sharp wit, loyalty to his team, and impressive flying skills. Falco’s unique personality and backstory have made him a fan favorite among gamers, and he has appeared in numerous Star Fox games over the years. Whether he’s battling the forces of Andross or competing with rival pilots, Falco always brings his A-game to the table. His sarcastic humor and independent nature make him a compelling character, and he is sure to remain a fan favorite for years to come.
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